Model: Sony BVU-950
Class: Professional
Type: VCR, Format: Umatic
Quantity in Collection 2

Indivdual Item Details:

Item Model: BVU-950P, Serial: 12817
Created: 2008-07-20 00:00:00 Last Edit: 2011-01-01 14:48:40
System PAL
Item ConditionGood Working
Other Details This one is in good order internally and externally. The back got pressed in a bit during shipping.

Image of

Image of

Image of

Item Model: BVU-950P, Serial: 10255
Created: 2008-05-19 00:00:00 Last Edit: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
System PAL
Item ConditionPart Working
Other Details This one has a problem with colour on record and EE. Playback colour is fine.

Found 2 Manuals for this item:

Added 2008-06-22
Part Number 3-718-604-03
Type User
Condition Good


Added 2008-06-22
Part Number 3-718-602
Type Service
Condition Good


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